Affirmations are phrases that are meant to help bolster your self-confidence and self-love. The idea is to choose a few that speak to you and then repeat them to yourself regularly either in time of distress or calm. It may feel uncomfortable at first because you may be unfamiliar with treating yourself with such kindness. Maybe you feel you don’t deserve it or you don’t believe what you’re saying is true. This takes practice. You don’t have to believe in it at first but you’ll become more comfortable over time with practice. And if you practice and practice and still don’t connect with this skill, that’s okay. Not all skills are for all people. It’s just important to try them out before you reach that conclusion.
Here are a number of our favorite affirmations:
- Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I will take notice of the many positive things this day has to offer.
- I am beautiful.
- I like myself.
- I like my body.
- I feel my body has strength, poise, and assurance.
- I walk with determination and confidence.
- I hold my head high.
- I am strong physically, mentally, and emotionally.
- I live a healthy, positive lifestyle.
- People like me and I like myself and I am happy.
- I can see how much people like me and how much I like myself.
- I am loved and supported by people who are important to me.
- I love and care about others and they know this because I show it to them.
- I am a loving and caring person.
- I sometimes enjoy being with people and feel good about my interactions.
- I see myself as beautiful and intelligent and confident and that is how others see me.
- I have friends who care about me and I care about them.
- I live by my own inner guidance and can interrelate to those around me without sacrificing my own values, goals, and purposeful direction.
- I have a lot to be proud of.
- I am glad to be alive
- I am in control of my life.
- I have personal power.
- I am perfectly me.
- I am the best I can be.
- I am centered and well-balanced.
- I have confidence and poise.
- I live by my positive choices.
- I accept myself for who I am and I like myself.
- I know that I am not perfect and never will be, but I like who I am.
- I have perseverance.
- I am intelligent.
- I make wise choices to the best of my ability.
- I enjoy the process of learning and becoming all that I want to be.
- I am able to express my emotions in a healthy, positive way.
- I can do anything I want.
- I have many options and always make the best decisions I can.
- I have stability in my life and in my self.
- I am willing to take the risks necessary to be happy and live the kind of life I have chosen for myself.
- I am moving in a positive direction towards my goals.
- I have everything I need.
- All that I want and desire is within me to achieve.
- There is enough time in the day to do all that I want to do.
- Today I will be calm and confident.
- I am everything I want to be.
- I am happy with what I do.
- Every day is better than the next.
- My life has purpose
- There is no one else I would rather be.
- There is no place else I would rather be.
- I am in control of my choices and I like them.
- All that life has to offer me is wonderful and it is my daily choice to enjoy that beauty.
- There is abundance in the Universe and it is there to help me and I can use it.
- Today is my day.
- There is no person, no thing, no event or activity that can destroy this day for me.
- I have the courage to accept the things I cannot change, to make choices to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
- There is no limit to what I can do today, to what I can be, to the attitude I can possess.
- Choose a statement or two from the list above. Write it down on a paper and put it in your wallet. Make it your phone background. Put it on a sticky note on your bathroom mirror. Just make sure it’s somewhere you can see it. Repeat the statement to yourself either when you’re upset or just at regular intervals.