Walking the Middle Path

DBT Self Help - Letting Go

Mindfulness skills are the foundation of all Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills training. The problems addressed by core mindfulness skills are knowing who you are, where you are going in your life, and the inability to control what goes on in your mind. Mindfulness encourages you to live in the moment by focusing on the present.

DBT is all about Dialectics, the concept that two things can be true at once. Walking the Middle Path is finding that synthesis between opposites. It’s a “both, and” mentality. Both of these things are true and there is a balance between them.


Here are some examples of walking the middle path.


Reasonable Mind and Emotion Mind

Both of these states of mind make decisions based on reason and help regulate your actions. And they consider values and allow you to experience strong emotions.


Doing mind and Being Mind

Both do what is needed in each moment. And they allow you to experience the uniqueness of each moment. 


Intense Desire for Change and Radical Acceptance of the Moment

Both allow you to have an intense desire to experience something different than what you are experiencing in this moment. And they are willing to radically accept what you have in your life right now.


Self-Denial and Self-Indulgence

Both practice moderation. And they satisfy the senses. 

Balancing Doing Mind & Being Mind

Mindfulness skills are the foundation of all Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills training. The problems addressed by core...

What Skills: Observe, Describe, Participate

Mindfulness skills are the foundation of all Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills training. The problems addressed by core...


Mindfulness skills are the foundation of all Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills training. The problems addressed by core...

Breathing Exercises

One of the ways to approach the idea of mindfulness and one-mindfully is through learning to breathe mindfully, or conscious breathing....

A Day of Mindfulness

A Day of Mindfulness This idea originates from Thich Nhat Hanh’s book, The Miracle of Mindfulness. Many practitioners argue...

Wise Mind

Mindfulness skills are the foundation of all Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills training. The problems addressed by core...

Additional Resources

Mental Health Resources

We aren't the only mental health resource out there. Check out these books, websites, social media accounts, and more for additional support. Read More

DBT Flashcards

Making DBT skills second nature takes practice. Use these flashcards on their page, download your own to print out, or purchase our pre-made set from our shop. Read More

DBT Encyclopedia

DBT has its own lingo which can be hard to understand for beginners. Visit our homemade DBT Encyclopedia to figure out what a term means. Read More

Mindfulness Exercises

Mindfulness practice is key to DBT. You don't have to meditate in silence everyday, though. Try these Mindfulness exercises to guide you. Read More

Diary Cards

Diary cards help track your emotions, urges, behaviors, and skill use. They help you see patterns. Learn how to use them and get samples. Read More