There are a number of databases out there that can help you find a Dialectical Behavioral Therapy provider near you. We’ve collected the best ones here to help you.
Therapy-Specific Websites
Behavioral Tech
Marsha Linehan’s official DBT training company, Behavioral Tech, maintains a list of therapists they trained in DBT.
Note: Official DBT certification is pricey. Many DBT Therapists are not trained through Behavioral Tech and this list includes mostly DBT Clinics over individual counselors.
Psychology Today
Psychology Today has one of the top search engines for therapists. You can customize your search by therapy types so you can find DBT providers.
Note: Therapists pay for their listings in the database so smaller practices may be absent.
Good Therapy
Good Therapy is another search engine for therapists that you can customize to find DBT providers.
Note: Like Psychology Today, spots on the site are paid.

Other Helpful Online Resources
Googling “DBT therapist near me” or “DBT therapist in ____” can turn up a lot of useful results in your area.
Note: Often, clinics will come up in the search more often than individual providers.
Therapy Den
Therapy Den is a directory of therapists that can get listed for free.
Note: You’ll find DBT in the Advanced Search under “Treatment Techniques”
DBT Providers
DBTProviders.com lists DBT providers only.
Note: Not many providers are registered on the site.
Inclusive Therapists
Inclusive Therapists lists not only DBT providers but also allows you to find a therapist who may share your background.
Note: You can search by DBT under ‘More Options’ then ‘Therapeutic Approach’
Open Path Collective
Open Path Collective is a database of providers offering affordable counseling to those without insurance or good mental health coverage.
Note: The database requires a one-payment membership to use.
Melanin and Mental Health
Melanin and Mental Health is a database of providers specifically geared towards the Black and Latinx communities.
Note: Providers pay to be listed.
Latinx Therapy
Latinx Therapy is a database for therapists who identify as Latinx.
Note: Providers pay to be listed.
South Asian Therapists
South Asian Therapists is a GLOBAL directory of therapists who are South Asian.
Note: Providers pay to be listed.
Mental Health Match
Mental Health Match helps you find a therapist in your area.
Note: Providerse pay to be listed.
Black Female Therapists
Black Female Therapists is a directory exclusively made up of Black women who are counselors.
Note: Providers pay to be listed.
Therapy for Latinx
Therapy for Latinx is a directory for Latinx folks searching for mental health treatment.
Note: Providers pay to be listed.
Therapy for Black Men
Therapy for Black Men provides a directory of culturally competent therapists for Black men to choose from.
Note: Providers pay to be listed.
Look for a Non-DBT Therapist
Many counselors who are not DBT Therapists are still great counselors. If you are looking for help with trauma and sharing diary card/homework accountability, a non-DBT Counselor might be a great fit. You won’t talk DBT the whole time, but you might get great non-DBT coping skills. This opens up the number of local Mental Health Professionals exponentially.

I’ve Found a Therapist. Now What?
Now you have some names and numbers of DBT Providers but what do you say when you call?
There are many great therapists that have some training in DBT and list DBT in their profiles, but don’t end up having much knowledge of it. They may be great therapists, but if you are looking to talk DBT, review diary cards and talk skills these counselors might not be a good fit. Here’s a list of what to ask a DBT Therapist to ensure they are DBT Counselors:
- Give them a ring, not an e-mail. It sounds sneaky but this may ensure their answers are not prepared even if they end up calling you back.
- Take a free meet-and-greet if it’s offered. If you are searching for someone in person, most offer an initial consultation in person or on the phone. Take them up on it and be prepared with questions. Consider this a job interview and you are the boss!
- Try these questions:
- What training do you have specific to DBT?
- How many clients who have (your diagnosis or primary issue) have you used DBT skills with?
- Have you ever facilitated a DBT group?
- Are you familiar with DBT Diary Cards? Emotion Regulation 1a worksheets?
- How familiar are you with [insert specific skill]? Name a few major skills (i.e. Wise Mind and Opposite Action) and see if they can keep up.
You are the consumer and deserve the best treatment you can get. Be assertive! Ask for exactly what you want to work on. If you are struggling with relationship issues and past trauma, start the conversation with, “I am working on relationship issues and handling past trauma that is interfering with my life. I am looking for more accountability and skill building one-on-one. I have found wise mind, radical acceptance and mindfulness most effective and could use more depth in my learning of these skills.” A good therapist who isn’t well versed in DBT will re-direct you to someone else.
No matter which way you go, if you need help, be EFFECTIVE and find it!
Additional Resources
Mental Health Resources
We aren't the only mental health resource out there. Check out these books, websites, social media accounts, and more for additional support. Read More
DBT Flashcards
Making DBT skills second nature takes practice. Use these flashcards on their page, download your own to print out, or purchase our pre-made set from our shop. Read More
DBT Encyclopedia
DBT has its own lingo which can be hard to understand for beginners. Visit our homemade DBT Encyclopedia to figure out what a term means. Read More
Mindfulness Exercises
Mindfulness practice is key to DBT. You don't have to meditate in silence everyday, though. Try these Mindfulness exercises to guide you. Read More
Diary Cards
Diary cards help track your emotions, urges, behaviors, and skill use. They help you see patterns. Learn how to use them and get samples. Read More