Emotion Regulation is the Dialectical Behavioral Therapy module that teaches how emotions work. It provides skills to help manage emotions instead of being managed by them, reduce vulnerability to negative emotions, and build positive emotional experiences.
DBT encourages you to build positive emotions in order to build your life worth living. It can be hard to come up with your own activities so here are quite a few to choose from. Choose one from the list to do each week, then build up to doing one each day. Even the littlest activities can create joy. And all those little joys add up.
- Soaking in the bathtub
- Planning your career
- Getting out of (paying on) debt
- Collecting things (coins, shells, etc.)
- Going on vacation
- Imagining the future
- Recycling old items
- Going on a date
- Relaxing
- Going to a movie
- Jogging, walking
- Listening to music
- Recalling past pleasant moments
- Buying household gadgets

Soak in the bathtub.

Go on a date.
- Lying in the sun
- Planning a career change
- Laughing
- Thinking about past vacations
- Listening to others
- Reading magazines or newspapers
- Hobbies (stamp collecting, model building, etc.)
- Spending an evening with good friends
- Planning a day’s activities
- Meeting new people
- Viewing beautiful scenery
- Saving money
- Going home from work
- Eating
- Practicing karate, judo, yoga
- Thinking about retirement
- Repairing things around the house
- Working on you car/bike
- Remembering the words and deeds of loving people
- Having quiet evenings
- Taking care of your plants
- Going swimming
- Doodling
- Exercising
- Collecting old things
- Going to a party
- Thinking about buying things
- Playing sports
- Flying kites
- Having discussions with friends
- Spending time with family
- Riding a motorbike
- Being intimate
- Going camping
- Singing around the house
- Arranging flowers
- Practicing religion (going to church, group praying, etc.)
- Going to the beach

Go for a Hike.

Go traveling.
- Repeating self-affirmations
- A day with nothing to do
- Going skating
- Going sail boating
- Traveling
- Painting
- Doing something spontaneously
- Doing needlepoint, crewel, etc.
- Sleeping
- Driving
- Entertaining
- Going to community organizations
- Going hunting
- Singing with groups
- Playing musical instruments
- Doing arts and crafts
- Making a gift for someone
- Buying records
- Watching sports
- Planning a party
- Cooking
- Going hiking
- Writing
- Sewing
- Buying clothes
- Going out to dinner
- Working
- Discussing books
- Sightseeing
- Gardening
- Cuddling
- Going to the beauty parlor
- Early morning coffee and newspaper
- Watching your children play
- Going to plays and concerts
- Daydreaming
- Planning to go to school
- Going for a drive
- Refinishing furniture
- Watching TV
- Making a to-do list
- Going bike riding
- Walks around town
- Buying gifts
- Traveling to national parks


- Completing a task
- Going to a spectator sport
- Teaching
- Photography
- Going fishing
- Playing with animals
- Flying a plane
- Reading
- Taking a class
- Being alone
- Journaling
- Writing letters
- Cleaning
- Taking your children places
- Dancing
- Going on a picnic
- Meditating
- Having lunch with a friend
- Going to the mountains
- Thinking about having a family
- Playing cards
- Solving riddles/puzzles
- Having a political discussion
- Seeing and/or showing photos or slides
- Knitting
- Doing crosswords
- Taking a shower
- Shooting pool
- Dressing up and looking nice
- Reflecting on how you’ve improved
- Talking on the phone
- Going to museums/zoos/aquariums
- Lighting candles & watching the flame
- Listening to the radio
- Getting a massage
- Saying “I love you”
- Thinking about your good qualities
- Buying books
- Taking a sauna or a steam bath
- White-water canoeing
- Going bowling
- Doing woodworking
- Taking ballet, tap dancing
- Sitting in a sidewalk cafe
- Going horseback riding
- Thinking about becoming active in the community
- Doing something new
- Adopting a pet
- Going to a thrift store
- Helping someone

Go to the zoo.

Watch the sun rise.
- Cleaning out your inbox
- Decorating your home
- Going on a road trip
- Buying yourself flowers
- Tie-dying
- Getting a haircut
- Baking
- Taking a nap
- Sitting on your stoop/porch/balcony
- Visiting a bakery
- Watching the sunrise/sunset
- Add your own!