Category: Mindfulness

Balancing Doing Mind & Being Mind

Mindfulness skills are the foundation of all Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills training. The problems addressed by core mindfulness skills are knowing who you are, where you are going in your life, and the inability to...

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Mindfulness skills are the foundation of all Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills training. The problems addressed by core mindfulness skills are knowing who you are, where you are going in your life, and the inability to...

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Walking the Middle Path

Mindfulness skills are the foundation of all Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills training. The problems addressed by core mindfulness skills are knowing who you are, where you are going in your life, and the inability to...

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Breathing Exercises

One of the ways to approach the idea of mindfulness and one-mindfully is through learning to breathe mindfully, or conscious breathing. Our breathing goes on all the time, but mostly it’s not conscious. We are not thinking about...

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A Day of Mindfulness

A Day of Mindfulness This idea originates from Thich Nhat Hanh’s book, The Miracle of Mindfulness. Many practitioners argue that Mindfulness should be a constant practice, not just exercises you do from time to time. That’s easy...

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Wise Mind

Mindfulness skills are the foundation of all Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) skills training. The problems addressed by core mindfulness skills are knowing who you are, where you are going in your life, and the inability to...

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Awareness Exercises

The following awareness exercises are meant to assist in accepting reality. Used along with half-smile and observing your breath, these exercises can help you practice radical acceptance. Body Positions Awareness Begin to focus...

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Mindfulness Exercises

Mindfulness is a core component of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Mindfulness is not necessarily ‘meditation’ although it can be. Mindfulness is more of an acute awareness of the moment. Many aspects of DBT can be cultivated...

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