Author: AP

Target Behaviors & Behavior Chain Analysis

Behavior Chain Analysis is a huge part of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Most folks in DBT have at least one “Target Behavior.” It’s a behavior you want to decrease in your life. It could be anything from self-harm to chronic...

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Diary Cards

Diary Cards are a key component of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. These mood, behavior, and skills trackers are meant to help you notice patterns and keep DBT skills at the front of your mind. A diary card is a paper (or an...

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DBT Mindfulness Flashcards

Use these DBT Flashcards to help review your DBT skills!   Wise Mind Synthesis of Emotion Mind and Reasonable MindAllows for intuitionFind it in your belly, the center of your head, or by following your breath The...

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DBT Emotion Regulation Flashcards

Use these DBT Flashcards to help review your DBT skills!   PLEASE Reduce your emotional vulnerability PL- treat physical illnessE- balanced eatingA- avoid mood altering drugsS- balanced sleepE- balanced exercise Build...

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